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Once it Was Believed / Now We Know

Brian H. Gill


Once it was believed:

Now we know:

4th to 1st century BC

The Earth is a huge plate, surrounded by water. Another huge plate hangs over it. The Sun, moon, stars and planets move along the upper plate. The Earth is a sphere at the center of the universe. The sun, moon, stars and planets revolve around it in perfect circles.

16th century AD

The Earth is a sphere at the center of the universe. The sun is at the center of the universe. The Earth, stars and planets revolve around the Sun. The moon revolves around Earth. All these motions are circular.

17 century AD

The Earth, planets and stars revolve around the sun in perfect circles. Bodies revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits. The stars are fixed to a sphere about 2,560 Earth-orbit-radii from the Sun (about 1/25 light year). The Milky Way is made of many very dim stars.

18th to 19th century AD

The sun is the center of a huge sphere which holds the stars. The sun is one star among many in a huge collection of stars, and moving among those stars. Some astronomers think that nebulosities, fuzzy patches in the sky, may be other "island universes."

20th century AD

The sun is one star among many in a huge collection of stars. The sun is one star of billions in the Milky Way galaxy. The Milky Way galaxy is one of a group of galaxies. There are more galaxies in the universe than there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy.


The sun is one star among billions in one galaxy, in a universe which contains many more billions of galaxies. ??

copyright © Brian H. Gill 2003

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Brian's Attic: The Reading Shelf

Americana Observations Fiction
9/11/2002, 2005 Arthur's Home
by Naomi Gill
The Dream
An American Family Day of the
Living Driver
Ich Bin Ein Amerikaner Jonah Fan Page The Village, the Fence and the Sign
and Ketchup
Ronald Wilson Reagan Once it Was Believed /
Now We Know
Wilbert and Grunt

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Brian's Attic | Attack of the Amateur Photo Album
Brendan: A Monk, A Boat And a Legend
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